
Do you ever wonder why your smart thermostat is always sending you alerts?

In recent years, Southern Texas has seen a rise in humidity due to the  rolling showers and hot days that have become weather normality.  This  humid air in your home triggers smart learning thermostat alerts on high level of  humidity.  An Air Conditioning unit provides two main  treatments to the air.  On the one hand, it cools off the room by  removing warm air and replacing it with cool air. On the other, the system removes  moisture from the air while it runs and drain it outside  the home or ac drain line What affects the humidity level? During the wintertime, most homes close for the season, and all  humidity in the home escapes through the air conditioner, fan vents, windows, and  doors.  The water in the air is an accumulation of moisture due to  weather and moisture added through everyday living including hot  showers, cooking, and steaming.  Higher humidity levels cause the air  to feel much ...

How does the ban on R22 refrigerant and equipment affect my Air Conditioning System Cost?

In 2022, there has been some changes to the industry that is worth mentioning.  From the changes to the R22 equipment and supplies, to the timelines to which customer’s should consider replacing their equipment. In today’s market, financial planning and preparation comes with information and advice from professionals in the business. Let’s start with the positive: EPA has taken steps to reduce the pollution that Air Conditioning systems put out into the atmosphere. With the cease in production of R22 refrigerant and equipment, which release dangerous ozone depleting chemicals into the air, AC units today are manufactured to use the alternative 410a refrigerant. The 410a can absorb and release heat better than R22 and doesn’t contain chlorine atoms, making it safer for the environment than it’s counterpart. This didn’t happen overnight: This change has been a long time coming with the phase out of R22 dating back to 2010. If your system was installed prior to 2010, then it most like...


  Why have Smart Thermostats become so popular now? BY AIRZONE SERVICES In the 80s and 90s, most homes had a dial thermostat with an On and Off switch.  The house would be set in the 70s and no-one was allowed to change it.  No Matter WHAT!  But there are more to a thermostat than heating and cooling in the 21st Century.  Smart Thermostats are now a common part of your Air Conditioning appliance that systems are build with the consideration of the settings that can be accomplished through the technological advances.  Different from the older models, Smart Thermostats can apply different settings to help reduce the energy consumption that the appliance racks up per year.  They also reduce strain on an AC System and effectively keep the air in your home to your best comforts.  To familiarize those unfamiliar with the settings on a thermostat.  Here are some points to keep in mind when you thinking of switching.     BENEFITS OF A ...

What Thermostat settings improve your system efficiency?

  What Thermostat settings improve your system efficiency? BY AIRZONE SERVICES Now that Spring is right around the corner, there are days that areas like Kyle Texas in Hays County go from cold winterish nights to hot and humid days.  All within 24 hours.   This is a normally common weather pattern for the area that typically stretches out well into April and at times even July.   With the temperatures constantly changing, it can be a challenge to find the right system settings to have your home feeling comfortable through the constant up and downs. During the Summertime, it's typically safe to leave your thermostat running at no lower than 72℉.  Most systems, depending on age and condition, struggle to keep temperatures lower than 72℉ (cooling against outside temperatures that  average between 85- 90.℉)  Although there are exceptions to some air conditioning units that are built to manage larger cooling gap, most households traditionally are ...

Are Heating Tune Ups necessary in South Texas?

  Are Heating Tune Ups necessary in South Texas? BY AIRZONE SERVICES One of South Texas perks has been the mild winters that are commonly known for these parts.  With the cold weather starting at times way into November.  Some homeowners have asked, since South Texas doesn’t experience long winters, is a Heating Tune up necessary?  Aside from calibrating your thermostat and cleaning off your electrical components of your system, there are a few differences from the springtime tune up that customer should be aware of.  That can provide you with a bit more information to make the best decisions for their home. Some of the main reasons to get a Heating Tune up Checking gas valve and flame sensors – Having a professional technician review the pressures of your system and ensure that it is operating correctly will give you piece of mind to use your system during the cold winter nights.  When pilot FLAME lites for the first time of the season, there may be a smel...

What can I do to keep my AC Drain Line from CLOGGING?

What can I do to keep my AC Drain Line from CLOGGING? BY AIRZONE SERVICES One of the major functions of an AC system aside from cooling the home is removing moisture from the air in your home.  Moisture will collects and drains out your home through pipes that are attached to your system.   First things first, identifying the AC SYSTEM'S drain line. Drain lines are located by the evaporated coil. Typically made from 3/4" PVC pipe with one ore two vent openings. Drain lines are typically capped but can be uncapped depending on your system setup. Drain lines can either lead out of the home or into a bathroom drain.   Maintaining these AC drain lines are important to allow the AC system to work at it's best throughout the hot summer days.  Without the proper draining, some systems will shut down and stop cooling because there is no where for the water to go.  Other systems that don't shut down will begin to leak into your home.   FEW TIPS THAT W...

What does extreme weather have to do with my AC System?

  What does extreme weather have to do with my AC System? BY AIRZONE SERVICES In Feb of 2021, South Texas experienced a freeze that was not a common weather occurrence in the Lone Star State.  Temperatures dropped below freezing for a span of three days which caused havoc on many homeowner's sprinklers', pools', and plumbing.  Due to the failures of power grid affecting areas of Kyle, Buda, Austin and most of Texas.  Many homes experienced multiple power surges before and after the blackout, as the lights flickered, causing damage to many electronic devices.  Affecting the home and appliances such as your heating and air conditioning units across the state.   When the power came on and the temperatures starting heating up.  Homeowner's began to see the effects of how extreme cold weather can affect the home and how insulation played a role in keeping the home warm as temperatures continued to drop outside.   Even though a freezing event ...