What Thermostat settings improve your system efficiency?
What Thermostat settings improve your system efficiency? BY AIRZONE SERVICES Now that Spring is right around the corner, there are days that areas like Kyle Texas in Hays County go from cold winterish nights to hot and humid days. All within 24 hours. This is a normally common weather pattern for the area that typically stretches out well into April and at times even July. With the temperatures constantly changing, it can be a challenge to find the right system settings to have your home feeling comfortable through the constant up and downs. During the Summertime, it's typically safe to leave your thermostat running at no lower than 72℉. Most systems, depending on age and condition, struggle to keep temperatures lower than 72℉ (cooling against outside temperatures that average between 85- 90.℉) Although there are exceptions to some air conditioning units that are built to manage larger cooling gap, most households traditionally are ...