How does the ban on R22 refrigerant and equipment affect my Air Conditioning System Cost?

In 2022, there has been some changes to the industry that is worth mentioning. From the changes to the R22 equipment and supplies, to the timelines to which customer’s should consider replacing their equipment. In today’s market, financial planning and preparation comes with information and advice from professionals in the business. Let’s start with the positive: EPA has taken steps to reduce the pollution that Air Conditioning systems put out into the atmosphere. With the cease in production of R22 refrigerant and equipment, which release dangerous ozone depleting chemicals into the air, AC units today are manufactured to use the alternative 410a refrigerant. The 410a can absorb and release heat better than R22 and doesn’t contain chlorine atoms, making it safer for the environment than it’s counterpart. This didn’t happen overnight: This change has been a long time coming with the phase out of R22 dating back to 2010. If your system was installed prior to 2010, then it most like...