
Showing posts from December, 2022

Do you ever wonder why your smart thermostat is always sending you alerts?

In recent years, Southern Texas has seen a rise in humidity due to the  rolling showers and hot days that have become weather normality.  This  humid air in your home triggers smart learning thermostat alerts on high level of  humidity.  An Air Conditioning unit provides two main  treatments to the air.  On the one hand, it cools off the room by  removing warm air and replacing it with cool air. On the other, the system removes  moisture from the air while it runs and drain it outside  the home or ac drain line What affects the humidity level? During the wintertime, most homes close for the season, and all  humidity in the home escapes through the air conditioner, fan vents, windows, and  doors.  The water in the air is an accumulation of moisture due to  weather and moisture added through everyday living including hot  showers, cooking, and steaming.  Higher humidity levels cause the air  to feel much ...